scatter jerman - German words for scatter include streuen zerstreuen verstreuen verteilen ausstreuen sich zerstreuen auseinander treiben zerstieben zersprengen and versprengen Find more German words at wordhippocom
SCATTER translations zerstreuen verstreuen Learn more in the Cambridge EnglishGerman Dictionary EnglishGerman translation for scatter äöüß SCATTER definition Cambridge Dictionary
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How to say scatter in German WordHippo scatter LEO Übersetzung im Englisch Deutsch Wörterbuch leoorg German translation of scatter Collins Online Dictionary
German Translation of SCATTER The official Collins EnglishGerman Dictionary online Over 100000 German translations of English words and phrases scatter in German EnglishGerman Dictionary Glosbe zerstreuen streuen verstreuen are the top translations of scatter into German Sample translated sentence Newspapers lay scattered all over the floor Zeitungen lagen überall auf dem Fußboden zerstreut scatter verb noun grammar transitive To cause to separate and go in different directions
There is a scattergun type of damage that affects many consumers in more than one country Source Europarl Uneinheitliche rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen sind nicht zweckdienlich A scattered national regulatory framework is not adequate Source Europarl EnglishGerman translation for scatter Langenscheidt scatter Translation in LEOs English German Dictionary leoorg
SCATTER translate zerstreuen verstreuen Learn more in the Cambridge EnglishGerman Dictionary scatter translation in English German Reverso dictionary see also scatter cushion scatter rug scattered scattering examples definition conjugation scatter translation in German EnglishGerman dictionary Reverso
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